I have enjoyed watching the birds come to the feeders here at the new house.
Here are just a few that I have been able to get pictures of.
Mrs. Goldfinch
Hello my name is Ginger
Here birdie birdie.
I wish I had a better camera this was on 10x zoom.
I love the cardinal and daffodils.
House finch, common redpole or purple finch that is the question. I think House finch.
My gosh when I saw this guy I got so excitied I could hardly get the camera started
Mr. Red breasted Grosbeak He comes to the feedere everyday now
There have been other visitors also...Chipping sprarrows, White Capped sparrow, Mourning Doves, Blue Jays, Red Wing Black birds, starlings, cow birds, Junkos, Robins and another brown bird that was just a kicking up the mulch trying to find something to eat. I am sure there are different brown birds but I have not been able to identify yet.
Wow, it's like a bird santuary. Good job Ginger is an indoor cat!!