Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Canvas

I saw a small canvas in a store decorated for Christmas.
I knew I had one at home so this is what I came up with.

 I was pleased with this but every time I looked at it I knew something was off....
So take a look at the second one and you will see one change that made it all better.

That's right the blingy layer behind Santa.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Here is the process of making Gourdo.
I love gourds each one is unique.
The process of getting to the dried gourd can take almost a year.
The most tedious is cleaning the mouldy skin off and getting to the "wood".
Once that it is done the crafting begins.

 I use the stem from the gourd to make the nose.
I loved making this centre piece for a special lady. I also loive paper crafting so putting the two things together was so much fun.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Copic colouring

Here is a pcture of a colouring I did on the weekend. The stamp is by Outlines Rubber Stamp Company Inc.
This one is called Fairy Ring.

The Pictures became a mini book

When I moved into my new home there were great window and great spots for bird feeders. The previous owners had left a huge feeder and a beautiful bird house. I added a few more feeders and the birds started coming. I have seen more than what ended up here but I could not get any good pictures of them. So I had this cute bird shaped album and filled it up.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Copic Class was a blast!!

           August 13 my good friend Bonnie and I went to a class on how to colour with copic markers.
Here we are Me, Teacher Suzanne and Bonnie.
We had a very good day and as always spread our cheer everywhere we go.

The next day I redid my colour chart and threw it in the garbage.
The cat decided that he would get the page out and see what colours suited him.

                   I think he was a little upset with the colours I chose to use on this card he sent to Bonnie

Monday, May 23, 2011

My new print

This ones for you Bonnie. Bonnie bought this print but she did not like it in her home. I was happy to buy it from her as it matches my comforter. And my house dress....LOL
                                                   I feel like there is something WRONG!

                                            Yes that's right Ginger you are going for a walk

                                                        #1 let the cat smell the harness
              Attempt to have the cat stand..if not you must try and get the harness wrapped around him.
                                             Need an adjustment and he doesn't think he does
                                                                 Kitty bellyyyyyyyyy
                    OK there is nothing wrong with Ginger he just does not get why he has this thing on.

                                                                       OUTSIDE we go.

Things were going well until Caitie thought she could tie him to the post...LOL

                                                             Dog tired my feets are swollen!
Caught in the The cat is enjoying he table by the window....we are not enjoying the cat hair and litter scrapnel we find on the table.

                                                 OFF with his head....LOL (stay off the table)
I see milk almost as good as a bird!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Who is at the feeder

I have enjoyed watching the birds come to the feeders here at the new house.
Here are just a few that I have been able to get pictures of.

 Mr. Goldfinch he fouind the feeder within hours of me putting it up. At the other house it was 2 weeks before the birds started coming.
                                                                   Mrs. Goldfinch
                                                         Hello my name is Ginger

                                          I am a cat bird...Ok I am a cat that wants to eat the birds.
                                                                   Here birdie birdie.
                                            I wish I had a better camera this was on 10x zoom.
                                                            I love the cardinal and daffodils.

                          House finch, common redpole or purple finch that is the question. I think House finch.
                   My gosh when I saw this guy I got so excitied I could hardly get the camera started
                                Mr. Red breasted Grosbeak He comes to the feedere everyday now

There have been other visitors also...Chipping sprarrows, White Capped sparrow, Mourning Doves, Blue Jays, Red Wing Black birds, starlings, cow birds, Junkos, Robins and another brown bird that was just a kicking up the mulch trying to find something to eat. I am sure there are different brown birds but I have not been able to identify yet.